30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Any Reason

You may return your undamaged product and packaging within 30 days of purchase to receive a FULL REFUND for any reason. If the reason for return isn’t quality-related, the customer must pay the return shipping costs.


1. What isn’t covered by the warranty?

1) Improperly operated devices
2) Lost or stolen products
3) Purchases made over 12 months ago (unless otherwise stated)
4) Non quality-related issues (after 30 days of purchase)
5) Free products

2. When does the warranty begin?

It begins the day you place your order.

3. How do I claim the warranty?

If you believe the item is defective and under warranty, please contact us at service@moldac.com

4. Will the warranty be renewed if my product is replaced?

The warranty continues from the date of your original purchase. It won’t be renewed after a replacement has been provided.


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